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Recognizing and honoring donors who have supported the Missouri State Foundation through

Estate and Deferred Gifts

The 1905 Society

Named in honor of the year Missouri State University was founded as Fourth District Normal School, The 1905 Society reflects the commitment to and enduring support for our university.

The 1905 Society members are dedicated to the future of Missouri State University and the excellent education it provides. They share in a unique unity and vision of private support that helps the university and its students reach new heights.

One of the Society’s goals is to foster active interest in and support for the university. It provides the framework for which significant, lasting gifts and bequests may be made to enhance the resources of Missouri State University. 

Your support, through private gifts and gift planning, is critical as we remain dedicated to the educational pursuits of our students; the support of our faculty, staff and facilities; the preservation of our public affairs mission; and the integrity of our university.

Become a member

Membership in The 1905 Society is available to donors who notify us that they have included Missouri State University in their Will or Trust. Estate and deferred gifts made through any of the following gift arrangements will reserve membership in The 1905 Society:


Defer your gift until after your lifetime through a Will or Trust, naming the Missouri State University Foundation as a beneficiary.

Living Trust

Create a Trust naming the Missouri State University Foundation as a beneficiary.

Life income gift

Establish a charitable remainder unitrust, annuity trust, lead trust or charitable gift annuity to enjoy tax savings and supplemental income.

Life insurance

Name the Missouri State University Foundation as a beneficiary of a new insurance policy or gift an existing paid-up policy.


Since its founding in 1905 as the Fourth District Normal School, an institution solely dedicated to the preparation of teachers, Missouri State has held service to the citizens of Missouri as one of its highest values. Moreover, excellent teaching with a focus on student success contributed to the unique character of what is now Missouri State University. We are proud that our faculty and staff work with students, individually and collectively, to help them achieve their academic and life goals.

For a number of years, the university was able to depend on state funding to provide for most of the resources needed. More than thirty years ago, nearly three-fourths of the university’s financial support came from the state, with student tuition and private support constituting the remainder. Today, those numbers are nearly reversed – the state provides about one-third of the university’s support. This has substantially increased the financial burden for students and their families, and universities are forced to rely more heavily on private support.

In 1981, the Missouri State University Foundation was established to promote private financial support integral to the continued success of university programs.

Make the process of organizing your estate and plans even easier by requesting our Guide to Wills and Estates.