
student on campus with laptop

As perpetual gifts, endowed funds provide a link between past, present, and future generations. The income from endowed funds is vital to Missouri State University's ability to educate students and discover and disseminate new knowledge for the betterment of our world.

The level of participation of alumni and friends speaks volumes to the pride you feel while also strengthening the University. We are fortunate the Foundation invests for the long term and that your funds will last into perpetuity for the benefit of generations of students to come. We strive to steward your contributions in a manner that benefits your generosity.

Endowed gifts

An endowment is a fund of money given to the Foundation wherein the principle is permanently kept and invested. The annual return or interest is used to fund University activities and programs, among them distinguished professorships, chairs, and student scholarships. By establishing an endowment, your gift makes a difference every year.

Endowed scholarships

Endowed scholarships help the University provide an excellent education to qualifying students, regardless of need. The minimum gift to endow a named scholarship is $25,000. You can also contribute to an existing endowment or make a non-endowed scholarship gift.

Endowed chair, professorship or fellowship

An endowed chair, professorship or fellowship is an honor bestowed on an outstanding faculty member. Funding from these endowments aid additional research and teaching resources. Endowments are an important means to attract and keep exceptional faculty.

To endow a named fellowship the minimum gift is $100,000. To endow a named professorship the minimum gift is $250,000. To endow a named chair the minimum is $1,000,000.